Learn what your digital transformation ideas might be worth

1,000.00 + DDV

Consulting and preliminary feasibility analysis of your innovative ideas in the context of digital transformation and digital business models.


Choose consulting and preliminary feasibility analysis of your innovative ideas in the context of digital transformation and digital business models. We also offer you an insight into the possibilities of implementing your solutions in the light of global and local trends.

Additional information

Service Code


Organization type

All types of organization – full price, Medium company, Micro company, Public organization, Small company


Eastern Slovenia Cohesion Region, Western Slovenia Cohesion Region


Arctur, ITC – Innovation Technology Cluster Murska Sobota, JSI – Jožef Stefan Institute, TCS – Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, TPLJ – Technology Park Ljubljana, UM – University of Maribor


The selected service is subsidised by the Republic of Slovenia at a rate of 25 % as State aid in accordance with the relevant article according to the type of service. You will receive a detailed specification in the offer.