European Digital Innovation Hub DIGI-SI
Register in our database and discover the many opportunities and services that will help you on your digital transformation journey!
Insights into our vision
of a digitised Slovenia
300+ top Slovenian researchers in the field of digitisation and 30+ digital transformation experts (DIGI-SI agents) will deliver 70 high-quality services worth 3.3 million € to the Slovenian economy and public administrations in the fields of agriculture, manufacturing, tourism and health over the next 3 years.
participating organisations
local partners
customer journey
The path to your digital
transformation with DIGI-SI
for your needs
- You will be assigned your personal DIGI-SI Agent.
- We will arrange a first face-to-face/virtual meeting.
- We will review your company’s current digital maturity in order to understand your digital strengths and weaknesses and benchmark against reference markets.
- We will conduct a detailed needs analysis.
- We will present best practices and success stories.
- We will show you the business impact on your company if you don’t go ahead with your digital transformation.
- Together with you, we will define the necessary objectives, activities and expected results.
- We will show you the business impact of digital transformation on your company.
- We will define the DIGI-SI partners who can help you in the digital transformation process.
- Check in our DIGI-SI online shop to see if we can address your defined need.
- Our DIGI-SI agent will accompany you on your journey.
- Your individual digital transformation plan already includes the services you find in our DIGI-SI online shop.
- We will reassess your company’s digital maturity to assess the immediate impact.
- We will ask you to complete a satisfaction survey to ensure only the best service for our customers.
- After 1-2 years, we will visit you again to assess the long-term impact and further. help you upgrade your digital transformation.
Defining the basic need
If we find together that your need is easily solvable within the scope of our services, we will immediately offer you the service of your choice, without any intermediate steps.
Če želite svoje delovanje, storitve, procese in/ali izdelke z nami ponesti na naslednjo raven, se registrirajte.
Naš virtualni agent vam bo pomagal pri prvih korakih – postavite mu izziv ali nas pokličite na brezplačno številko 080 40 47 oziroma obiščite na eni od naših sedmih lokacij.
- Dodeljen vam bo vaš osebni DIGI-SI Agent.
- Dogovorili se bomo za prvo osebno/virtualno srečanje.
- Preverili bomo trenutno digitalno zrelost vašega podjetja z namenom razumevanja močnih in šibkih digitalnih vidikov in primerjave z referenčnimi trgi.
- Izvedli bomo podrobno analizo potreb.
- Predstavili vam bomo dobre prakse in zgodbe o uspehu.
Prikazali vam bomo poslovne učinke na vaše podjetje, če se digitalne preobrazbe ne lotite.
- Skupaj z vami bomo definirali potrebne cilje, aktivnosti in pričakovane rezultate.
- Prikazali vam bomo poslovni učinek digitalne preobrazbe na vaše podjetje.
- Definirali bomo partnerje DIGI-SI, ki vam v procesu digitalne preobrazbe lahko pomagajo.
- V naši DIGI-SI spletni trgovini preverite, ali lahko naslovimo vašo že definirano potrebo.
- Naš DIGI-SI agent vas spremlja na vaši poti.
- Vaš individualni načrt digitalne preobrazbe že vsebuje storitve, ki jih najdete v naši spletni trgovini DIGI-SI.
- Ponovno bomo ocenili digitalno zrelost vašega podjetja z namenom ocene takojšnjega učinka.
- Izvedli bomo oceno učinka digitalne preobrazbe na vaše podjetje
- Prosili vas bomo za izpolnitev ankete o zadovoljstvu za zagotovitev le najboljših storitev za naše stranke.
- Po 1-2 letih vas bomo ponovno obiskali z namenom ocene dolgoročnega učinka in nadaljnje pomoči pri nadgradnji vaše digitalne preobrazbe.
Industries we support
customer journey for ict provider
Join us as an ICT technology provider
Register here if you want to offer your services, processes and/or products through DIGI-SI.
Please fill in the registration form and our DIGI-SI Agent will contact you shortly.
If you meet the conditions, you will be invited to sign a Cooperation Agreement.
Upon signing the Agreement, we will charge you a one-off flat-rate price of €100 for promotion via the DIGI-SI platform, which ensures the smooth operation of the platform and our promotion service.
DIGI-SI actively promotes you at home and in foreign markets through its online shop, EDIH and EEN networks.
The DIGI-SI agent will inform you of the customer’s interest in purchasing your service. Upon confirmation of your service order, we will charge you a commission of 5% of the concluded order amount.
The client will evaluate your service and provide you with a reference for further cooperation with clients of the DIGI-SI ecosystem.
The DIGI-SI agent will provide you with a recommendation for further cooperation based on the client’s feedback.
Within the DIGI-SI ecosystem, you can act both as a provider of an ICT technology and as a user of our services. If you need help in developing/upgrading your innovation, you can also embark on a digital transformation journey with us – more detailed information is available here.
The technologies we offer
Got a question?
Our DIGI-SI agents are available at our toll-free number +386 80 40 47 or in person at the consortium partners’ headquarters every Thursday from 12.00 to 14.00.
selected for you
Latest news
References from our partners
Inštitut Jožef Štefan
We are very pleased with our cooperation with the IJS Technology Centre. The team members have demonstrated their competence in developing advanced technologies and their ability to translate them into practical problem solving in industry. For the first time, the company’s experts now have a method to validate their experiential estimates of the duration of individual production and development operations. Previously, these were based on experience and intuition alone. We are delighted with the results achieved in this short project period, especially the fact that we have developed an advanced solution with artificial intelligence methods that works in an operational environment.
– Plamtex Int d. o. o. o
ITC Murska Sobota
The precision spraying system we are testing also has the advantage that the tractor driver has all the instructions on the tractor’s handheld and virtually does not have to operate the tractor. In addition, with conventional spraying, the farmer had to monitor the entire spraying process, which is now controlled by a machine that is more precise.
– Krampač viticulture
Arctur company
We are aware that today, the economy, tourism, education, science and culture are interdependent. Only those solutions in which these areas are closely intertwined are groundbreaking, and we have identified this project as such. The Tourism 4.0 Demo Pilot is more than a breakthrough solution – it is a great inspiration for further cooperation, innovation and development in the tourism sector, both domestically and in foreign markets.
– Rok Capl, Acting Director, SPIRIT Slovenia, Public Agency
Institut “Jožef Stefan”
We are extremely pleased with the collaboration with the IJS Technology Centre throughout the product development process. The researchers at the Technology Centre were always available and ready to answer all our questions about the project. As we are currently working with them on other projects, we can say that the cooperation has been more than excellent.
– Director of Bor-Plastics d.o.o.
DIHS - Digital Innovation Hub of Slovenia
We have worked with DIH Slovenia on the technical activities in the development of the project, as well as on the planning of non-technical activities. We have found the support of DIH Slovenia to be very useful for the project and very welcome. We hope that DIH Slovenia has also gained added value through its participation in the project.
– Matic Šerc, Director
The process of introducing traceability itself is long and difficult, as it is not only about the development of new technology but also about the implementation process itself, which involves both farmers on the one hand and buyers on the other. For this reason, it can be said that the process of implementing such a technology is multifaceted, involving both technological and sociological aspects. In this process, the ITC staff and DIH AGRIFOOD partners have provided us with outstanding support. ITC has helped us especially with the sociological aspects, how to involve farmers in the process itself and how to start convincing customers that technology can help them with additional information. DIH AGRIFOOD partners helped us to implement both the technology and the new process within the supply chain. At the same time, we have been involved in various projects by ITC, which has also helped us to obtain partial funding to introduce such a process.
– Andrej Vučkič, Chief Operating Officer