Mobilising Invest EU Fund for your digital transformation

650.00 + DDV

Get in touch with our DIGI-SI agent, who will give you easier access to financial institutions, investors, and strategic partners within Invest EU.


Are you familiar with the opportunities offered by the Invest EU program? Did you know that the program, which is suitable for providing long-term financing to companies recovering from the economic and social crisis, aims to trigger more than 372 billion euros of additional investment by 2027? Get in touch with our DIGI-SI agent, who will give you easier access to financial institutions, investors, and strategic partners within Invest EU.

Additional information

Service Code


Organization type

All types of organization – full price, Medium company, Micro company, Public organization, Small company


Eastern Slovenia Cohesion Region, Western Slovenia Cohesion Region


JSI – Jožef Stefan Institute, TPLJ – Technology Park Ljubljana


The selected service is subsidised by the Republic of Slovenia at a rate of 25 % as State aid in accordance with the relevant article according to the type of service. You will receive a detailed specification in the offer.