DIGI-SI value chain executives meetup (Agrofood, Health, Manufacturing, Tourism)

3,000.00 + DDV

Join the event that brings together the international business and technology community!

SKU: N/A Category:


Join the event that brings together the international business and technology community!

The “Meetup” meetings will bring together the key stakeholders of the value chain of DIGI-SI industries and exchange experiences, good practices, needs, and challenges in DIGI-SI.

“Meetup” meetings will be held according to individual thematic groups (agriculture, production, tourism, health) twice a year.

Additional information

Service Code


Organization type

All types of organization – full price, Medium company, Micro company, Public organization, Small company


Eastern Slovenia Cohesion Region, Western Slovenia Cohesion Region


Arctur, ITC – Innovation Technology Cluster Murska Sobota, TCS – Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, TPLJ – Technology Park Ljubljana


The selected service is subsidised by the Republic of Slovenia at a rate of 25 % as State aid in accordance with the relevant article according to the type of service. You will receive a detailed specification in the offer.