DIGI-SI Community days

15,000.00 + DDV

The annual conference of the EDIH DIGI-SI consortium gives companies and representatives of public administration the opportunity to forge new connections or strengthen cooperation.


Join us at the annual conference of the EDIH DIGI-SI consortium, which offers micro, scale-up, and startup companies, small and medium-sized companies, representatives of public administration and supporting institutions the opportunity to make new connections or strengthen cooperation.

At the event, which offers a varied program from the main sectoral and technological domains of EDIH DIGI-SI (agriculture, production, tourism, and health), participants can discover new ways and possibilities of digitization for the growth and development of their organization’s processes, products and services, or present their innovative solutions to interested stakeholders.

At the event, participants will meet DIGI-SI agents and experts in the field of digital transformation (researchers from the “Jožef Stefan” Institute and the University of Maribor and others). At the same time, participants will have the opportunity to network with policymakers in the field of digitization.

You can see the highlights of the kick-off conference, which took place on December 9, 2022, in the gallery below.

Additional information

Service Code


The event you want to attend

There are currently no events available

Organization type

All types of organization – full price, Medium company, Micro company, Public organization, Small company


Eastern Slovenia Cohesion Region, Western Slovenia Cohesion Region


DIHS – Digital Innovation Hub Slovenia


The selected service is subsidised by the Republic of Slovenia at a rate of 25 % as State aid in accordance with the relevant article according to the type of service. You will receive a detailed specification in the offer.