Jožef Stefan Institute

Coordinator: DIH4IJS


Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the Digital Innovation Hub (DIH), coordinated by the inner Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT). Based on European integration within the European Commission’s Digital Innovation Network, the hub is participating in applications for European Commission’s projects for digital innovation hubs, in applications for projects where the component of the digital innovation hub is required, and in applications of the Letter of Intent on various initiatives for digital innovation hubs. The European Commission’s Digital Innovation Network operates in accordance with the following guidance.

As the central part of development, digitization and industrial relations at national and international level, the hub is establishing a system of collaboration between the IJS research departments, the domestic and foreign economy, and the partner networks within the Europe Enterprise Europe Network and the network of technology transfer offices in Slovenia KTT (only in Slovene).

The hub helps researchers and companies to innovate, to transfer scientific results into practice, and digitalization of industry within the framework of the support ofthe Customized Low Energy Computing Competence center (CLEC) at the Department of Communication Systems at the Jožef Stefan Institute, which is establishing a network of competence centers across the EU. The hub provides “one-stop shops” and cross-border technology transfer services in the EU and serves as a contact point for the local ecosystem in Slovenia.

Our key activities include:

  • technology testing, referential experimentation and technology advisory services;
  • launch of a new industrial cooperation: search for industrial partners, including market analysis preparation and contract closure support;
  • help with establishing spin-off / spin-out companies, including search for investors to license and finance spint-off/ spin-out companies;
  • marketing of intellectual property, including negotiation support and establishment of licensing agreement relations;
  • supporting the active integration of the economy and science with internationalization;
  • intellectual property protection support, including raising awareness of it;
  • support and assistance in application for national and European calls, including providing information on suitable calls to apply for, and a complete review of proposals focusing on marketing issues, intellectual property rights and customer segments;
  • support and assistance to competence centers (e.g. Customized Low Energy Computing Competence center);
  • measures for the popularization of science among young people: organization of visits at the Jožef Stefan Institute, student mentoring and providing special services for young researchers employed at the Institute.

Institute Jožef Stefan

Jožef Stefan Institute is the leading Slovenian scientific research institute, covering a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. The staff of more than 960 specializes in natural sciences, life sciences and engineering. The subjects concern production and control technologies, communication and computer technologies, knowledge technologies, biotechnologies, new materials, environmental technologies, nanotechnologies, and nuclear engineering. The mission of the Jožef Stefan Institute is the accumulation – and dissemination – of knowledge at the frontiers of natural science and technology to the benefit of society at large through the pursuit of education, learning, research, and development of high technology at the highest international levels of excellence.

The basic goals of the Institute are to provide expert scientific and applied output in the form of processes, products and consultancy, and to produce well-trained young scientists. Being well aware of the international nature of science, the Institute has devoted considerable efforts to international cooperation. Today it co-operates with many leading scientific research institutions world-wide and the individual research departments have vast experiences in the application and management of national and international projects. JSI collects, creates and disseminates natural and technical knowledge at the level of excellence for the benefit of Slovenes and the whole of humankind.

Market applications

Public Administration

Technology applications

Artificial Intelligence
Cyber Security
High-Performance Computing
Big Data
Internet of Things

Competences and expertise

0 +

RESearchers in 28 research departments




Chemistry, biochemistry, new materials and env. science departments


Electronics and IT departments


Reactor Engineering and Energetics department


Energy Efficiency Centre


Center for Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis CEMM


Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation

National networks and initiatives

European networks and initiatives

Membership of the CCT leader:


Jožef Stefan Institute​
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