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EDIH DIGI-SI AGRIFOOD Executive Meet-up day: Opportunities and challenges of digitization in the Slovenian agri-food sector

30. August, 2023 @ 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Invitation to a presentation of DIGI-SI services and a professional consultation

In digitization, Slovenia still lags behind the most developed countries of the European Union, mainly due to the low level of digitization of companies and public administration. The gaps in the level of digitization are particularly large in the agri-food sector, which is why the digital transformation of agriculture and food is at the forefront of the new common agricultural policy and the European Green Deal. Digitization will be given significantly more emphasis in the future, and in Slovenian agriculture, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia will promote the digital breakthrough through the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy (SN SKP) for the period 2023-2027 and through the Recovery and Resilience Plan (NOO). , in which the e-agriculture, food and forestry project will be implemented, which will ensure the functionality, simplicity and usability of digital databases for direct use.

Ecosystems and offices for the transfer of knowledge and technologies also represent a major support pillar of the digital transformation of the agri-food sector, where digital innovation hubs – DIH (Digital Innovation Hub) – play a major role. One such is DIH AGRIFOOD, which provides digital transformation services to organizations (farmers, farmers’ associations, food producers, actors in the food supply chain, solution providers) through a multi-actor approach (MAA – multi-actor approach) to ensure safe, sustainable and quality food. DIH AGRIFOOD is also a sector partner in the consortium of the European digital junction EDIH DIGI-SI. The purpose of DIGI-SI is to provide support to as many Slovenian companies and organizations as possible in digital transformation through more than 70 different services and access to 300+ of the best Slovenian researchers in the field of digitization and 30+ experts in digital transformation.

August 30, 2023, 3:30-5:00 p.m

Event content:

  • Presentation of EDIH DIGI-SI and DIH AGRIFOOD services to help actors in the agri-food sector

• Consultation: Digital transformation of agrifood in Slovenia with representatives of MKGP, MDP, DIH AGRIFOOD and KGZMS


DIGI-SI_AGRA program 2023.finale

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