Expert guidance and hands-on experience with AI, Data Science, and HPC

660.00 + DDV

Join a training session with an expert and get hands-on experience with artificial intelligence, data science and high-performance computing.


Join the training session with an expert and get hands-on experience with artificial intelligence, data science, and high-performance computing. The training session is intended for all types of organizations that want to introduce new technologies and solutions in the field of artificial intelligence, data science, and high-performance computing into their processes, services, and products.

Additional information

Service Code


The event you want to attend

23. 5. 2024 What artificial intelligence offers you and your organization, institution and/or company, 6. 6. 2024 Concrete use of generative intelligence (GPT – Generative Pretrained Transformer) – how to achieve a 100% increase in productivity?

Organization type

All types of organization – full price, Medium company, Micro company, Public organization, Small company


Eastern Slovenia Cohesion Region, Western Slovenia Cohesion Region


JSI – Jožef Stefan Institute, TCS – Toolmakers Cluster of Slovenia, UM – University of Maribor


The selected service is subsidised by the Republic of Slovenia at a rate of 25 % as State aid in accordance with the relevant article according to the type of service. You will receive a detailed specification in the offer.